With ‘Harry Potter,’ ‘The Twilight Saga,’ and ‘The Hunger Games’ showing that young adult novels can bring big bucks franchises to movie studios, Sony has decided to move forward with their plans to bring the recently published novel ‘BZRK’ to life and have hired scribe Michael Ross to help them do it.
Ross, who used to be a film editor before switching gears to become a writer, wrote the screenplay for the 2006 thriller ‘Turistas.’ He recently did a rewrite on the futuristic revision film about Robin Hood called ‘Robin Hood 2058’ and just wrote an original screenplay call ‘I.O.U.’ which already has Jacob Estes attached to direct.
Sony had acquired the rights to ‘BZRK’ back in November as the first of a trilogy for Sam Raimi (‘Spider-Man,’ ‘The Evil Dead,’ Oz the Great and Powerful’) and Josh Donen (‘Priest,’ ‘Legend of the Seeker’) to produce under their Stars Road Entertainment Banner.
‘BZRK’ was written by Michael Grant who has already gained success with his book series ‘Animorphs’ and ‘Gone.’ Set in the near future, ‘BZRK’ is about 2 gifted teenagers, Noah and Sadie, who are recruited by an underground guerrilla group of teens that calls themselves BZRK. They are on the front lines of a war for control of the human mind. Conjoined twins, Benjamin and Charles Armstrong, have plotted to create their own version of utopia which involves nanobots that latch onto the brains of unsuspecting citizens. They have been “rewiring” (aka brainwashing) world leaders for their own agenda. Through the use of their own DNA-derived nanobots, BZRK tries to give humans back the control of their minds and foil the Armstrong twins. If the bots are destroyed, the brain cells of their DNA-donor also die. As the book states, “there are no stalemates here: It’s victory . . . or madness.”
The premise of the use of nanobots burrowing through the human body to get to the brain is a great story in this technological age and one that can easily transfer well into a feature film. If the producers decide, the film could not only be sci-fi but also have some elements of horror infused in it.
Below is the official trailer for the book. No other information about ‘BZRK’ has been released but once we learn more, we’ll let you know!
‘BZRK’ Official Book Trailer:
Source: Deadline