It seems like we’ve been getting something Avengers related every day. But you know what? I don’t see this a problem and neither should you!
Today, courtesy of Collider, we have a new 30-second television spot for ‘The Avengers’. Normally, I wouldn’t be sharing TV spots left and right, but the little bit at the end with Captain America and the Hulk was too good not to share. Check out the spot below to see what I’m talking about.
Awesome, right? I know I was as happy as Hulk to hear those two words come from the good captain.
Speaking of Captain America, right after the news dropped that ‘Captain America 2’ received a release date, another one minute spot was released yesterday that focused on Steve Rogers. Every team needs a captain, and the Star-Spangled Avenger fits the role nicely. Here’s the spot so you can check out Captain Rogers in action.
What do you think of these new spots for Joss Whedon’s ‘The Avengers’? Are you stoked to see the Captain in action? Or how about big ol’ Jolly Green having some fun? In a little less than a month, the wait is over because you’ll get to see it all on the big screen on May 4th.