Stay Tuned for a Giveaway at the End of This Review!
What happens when 12 Angels decide they want free will and sacrifice eternal life in the Creator’s warm embrace to get it? Well that exact question is answered in Relium Media’s ‘Angel Punk’ #1/2 (the Genesis issue). Where issue #0 does a great job to set up the main cast and storyline for (what I believe will be a great story) the characters of the deep world of ‘Angel Punk’ issue #1/2 sets up the motivation for this epic tale.
This issue creates some serious mythology for the tale of ‘Angel Punk’. When the 12 Angels become mortal, rather than having their wings removed, they turn to a heavy metal. Like some kind of burden they must carry though their lives… very cool!
Of course living free and clean in the real world isn’t all it is cracked up to be, especially when no man made tool can remove those darned metal wings. Enter the sacrifice. One of the 12 offers to sacrifice herself because she can no longer deal with her mortal coil. The remaining 11 dub her “The White One” and burn her body on a pyre, giving them the tool of their salvation. The White One’s wings melted down into a very powerful sword, a sword strong enough to remove the wings of the remaining Earth Angels.
Relium Media and the ‘Angel Punk’ creative team are taking all the right steps to create a new and diverse comic book universe. It’s funny with all the talk of diversity and who is what color or what gender going on at the “Big Two” right now, this book couldn’t come at a better time. You have a strong female lead character with centuries of history and backstory to dip into. I think it clearly shows, if you want something different or a change; you can’t always find that from the big guys. A lot of times the smaller outfits will actually have more of a mass appeal, all it takes is getting the word out.
So here it is, the word is out. Check out the Genesis issue of ‘Angel Punk’ #1/2. You’ll find quality writing and quality art with something a little different than the usual comic book fare. Now check out the last paragraph of this article to find out how you can get your hands on your very own copy of ‘Angel Punk’ #1/2.
As with our review of Angel Punk #0 leave a comment below or on the post on our Facebook Page to tell us what you think about ‘Angel Punk’, we will then pick 2 winners to receive a free copy of ‘Angel Punk’ #1/2 on Friday 8/12/2011.
You can find more information on Relium Media and ‘Angel Punk’ at: or
Here is a special sneak peek at the inside of this issue. (Click the image to enlarge)