The first day of the ‘Pottermore’ challenge has come and gone. If you weren’t able to get through today, don’t give up just yet! You have 6 more chances to get in.

The first clue was “How many breeds of owl are featured on the Eeylops Owl Emporium sign?”

Multiply this number by 49.” Those who had the answer (245) and inserted it into the special Magical Quill link at the end came up with this URL: From there, you were directed to a page where you can begin your registration.

Here’s what to expect when you get there. There are 4 steps online you need to do in order to complete your registration. It’s the usual procedure: birthdate, country you live in, name, e-mail and password. And, of course, the obligatory agreement to their terms. Then 4 magical names will be listed and you can pick one as your username. (Unfortunately, you can’t make up your own). I would recommend that you remember your username by writing it down perhaps, as it won’t be sent to you to complete the process. Once you are done, an e-mail will be sent to you to activate your account. Don’t worry. It will take some time. You do have 48 hours upon receiving the e-mail to click the link inside to activate your account. Once you do, it will lead you to the registration completion page and voila! You are done.

Now you won’t get into the Pottermore site just yet. Once this challenge is over, you will receive an e-mail letting you know when you can enter the site. Not everyone who activates their account will get in right away but you will get in before October.

So, how do I know all about the process? Well this writer was up in the wee hours of the morning (I guess there is some advantages to insomnia) and was able to get in! Once I am able to access the site, I will share the info with you all! As to when to know when a hint is released, I suggest keeping an eye out on Twitter with the hashtag Pottermore. For details on how the challenge works you can read our ‘Pottermore’ challenge article.

So good luck to all for the next six days. If you get in, let us know! We’ll exchange magical names for our own Pottermore society!  We’ll update you as we explore the site!