Sure there’s comic cons throughout the world, but fans have yet to find a mecca that celebrates all things sci-fi. However, Huston Huddleston aims to change that.
Huddleston, who’s known amongst enthusiasts for resurrecting the Captain’s Bridge from ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ from the trash, has started a Kickstarter campaign to open the nation’s very first science fiction museum in Hollywood, California. The Hollywood Science Fiction Museum would be dedicated to educating the people about everything science fiction from TV to movies to literature and art. The museum also aims to teach people about real science using the lens of science fiction, incorporating STEM-based educational tools. (STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.)
Huddleston and his New Starship Foundation want to have the Hollywood Science Fiction Museum up and running by 2015. However, he plans on having a much grander museum ready by 2018. Some of the exhibits Huddleston envisions include a Hall of Robots, a room of Classic Sci-Fi cars, a Hall of Spaceships and the ever-important museum cafe and gift shop.
For the 2018 Hollywood Museum of Science Fiction, Huddleston wants to recreate the Millennium Falcon and the Enterprise-D.
Here’s a description of the museum:
“The nonprofit educational museum will teach Science Fiction in Film, TV, Art and Literature and Real Space and Science through Sci-Fi. The museum will feature Huston’s finds, along with many other celluloid artifacts along with the first of its kind interactive elements to teach anyone about science and space. The project is already backed by Paramount, Google, Bentley Systems, Entertainment Earth and the writers of ‘Star Trek’, ‘Battlestar Galactica’, and more.”
The company Rhetroactive has also teamed up with Huddleston to help develop the museum. Rhetroactive is a creative design firm that developed ‘Star Trek: The Experience’ in Las Vegas as well as attractions for ‘Despicable Me’ and ‘The Simpsons’ at Universal Studios.
This project does seem ambitious but it may be exactly the thing science fiction fans have been agonizing for. What do you think?
Take a look at Huddleston’s Kickstarter page and his video below: