After the simulcast broadcast of the ‘Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor’, the BBC released this very brief teaser for the next ‘Doctor Who’ episode – yes, the Christmas episode which marks the departure of Matt Smith as the Doctor and herald Peter Capaldi as the new one.

The teaser is only about 10 seconds long but it is enough time to give a hint or two as to what to expect when Christmas rolls around.

Executive producer and showrunner, Steven Moffat, had promised that questions asked during Smith’s reign as the Time Lord will be answered and here you see the return of the Silence and the Doctor’s return to Trenzalore. Does that mean events from the episode ‘The Name of the Doctor’ may come into play here? Will we finally find out who exactly are the Silence and why they want the Doctor gone? Not only that, are the Daleks, the Cybermen and the Weeping Angels involved in the Fall of the Eleventh?

While not seen in the teaser, hopefully we’ll also see the return of Madame Vastra, Jenny and their trusty “butler”, Strax. After last year’s appearance in ‘The Snowmen’, the trio has certainly made themselves a fan favorite of the series.

So while we are still catching our breath from the events of ‘The Day of the Doctor’, we now look forward (albeit sadly as it’s Smith’s last appearance) to the Christmas episode.

After watching the teaser below, let us know what you are hoping to see in the special!

The ‘Doctor Who’ Christmas episode will air (when else?) Christmas Day, December 25th on BBC America.