‘Arrow’ is the gateway for DC Comics’ foray into television.  It’s opening the door for a possible Flash TV show.  Jean Loring is appearing, which may lead to The Atom.  Black Canary will be introduced.  Uh… blah blah blah DC Universe… Deathstroke… um… was I talking about something?  Sorry got distracted.

*Sigh*  It appears that The CW has figured out why we all really watch ‘Arrow’ and it’s not its riveting plot.  It’s Stephen Amell’s bare chest and abs, which are so nicely displayed on nearly every episode in the requisite shirtless workout scene.  Earlier, they released four posters featuring Amell along with fellow actors David Ramsey (Diggle), Manu Bennett (Slade Wilson) and Colton Haynes (Roy Harper) all sans shirts.

Now they’ve gone one further and released a new trailer that basically caters to our most carnal impulses.  If you haven’t seen the first clip from the season two premier, check it out here.  Then check out this clip, which shows what happened immediately after that:

“God, you’re really sweaty!”  Oh Felicity!  (But don’t we all wish we were in her place?)  Diggle and Felicity must travel to the island Oliver was stranded on and that he’s retreated to after the first season’s climax.

Ahem, onto less gratuitous territory, there are a few new shots that reveal a bit more about season two.  First the Arrow lair has been updated and Ollie gets a new bow.  Also, Roy and Thea hook up, which is kind of funny, since in the very first episode, Ollie calls Thea “Speedy” and in the comics, Roy Harper was Speedy, Green Arrow’s sidekick for decades.

Well, we have less than a week to go before the season two premier of ‘Abs Abs Abs.’  Ahem, sorry that should read ‘Arrow’, which debuts on Wednesday (or Amellsday), October 9th at 8 pm ET on the CW.

Sources Zap2It and Blastr