Hi Marvel cinephiles! (And all movie fans!) Captain America finally became worthy! Oh, wait! He already was. Marvel cinephiles geeked out at the…

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Hello and welcome back once again for an all new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on ScienceFiction.com where…
Back in March of last year, Marvel announced that they had teamed with Feld Entertainment, the company behind Ringling Bros. and Barnum &…
For starters, if you weren’t one of the many movie-going patrons that made ‘Thor: The Dark World’ the ninth biggest November debut ever…
A few days ago, Marvel finally released the limited edition box set of their films dubbed ‘Marvel’s Cinematic Universe: Phase One –…
About six months ago, Marvel was set to release a limited edition box set of their films known as ‘Marvel’s Cinematic Universe: Phase…