Welcome to Sci-Friday! Every week, we’ll help you head into the weekend by collecting some links from the best real-life science news that…
If you couldn’t get enough of Baymax in ‘Big Hero 6‘, or at least the idea of having a robotic personal healthcare assistant,…
Unless you’ve been under a dusty red rock, you’ve probably heard that there is water on Mars. This is exciting news because it…
Every year during the holiday season, billions of people worldwide feel the frustration of trying to find the perfect gifts for the people…
At the MileHiCon45 in Denver, five authors got together to discuss with their fans how much science is really required to write science…
Science fiction fans were shocked in April, when Iain Banks announced that he had gallbladder cancer and was not likely to live past…
There is very little in Game of Thrones that can be attributed to any known science. How Melisandre has demon shadow babies that…
On April 22nd a science fiction dream took the next step to becoming a reality. Mars One, a nonprofit seeking to find the…
For those of you who happened to be lucky enough to watch Surface, in all it’s unfortunately cancelled glory, this science-related story about…
When covering meteors, one usually expects it to be a slow news day. However, it seems today that Asteroid 2012-DA14 is not the…