Why hasn’t Hollywood gotten this through their heads yet? There’s been so much controversy lately over representation for minorities. There were calls to…
Sadly I can’t get my hopes up about Disney dropping the live action ‘Ghost in the Shell‘ from their line up as the…
According to Universal’s mirror, it looks like the-raven haired Snow is not the fairest of them all as she’s been dethroned by the…
Despite the horrible dialogue, the lack of cohesive story, and dragged out scenes, ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ still managed to make enough…
The UK got to see ‘The Avengers’ before us across the pond and now it looks like they’ll also be able to watch…
More footage for ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ has been released! If you’re looking for your ‘SWATH’ fix, we have hit the motherload…
In just 3 weeks movie goers will finally see Rupert Sander’s rendition of ‘Snow White and the Huntsman.’ Although the trailers and clips have…
Even before ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ has hit theaters, the war of the dueling Snow White films seems to have been forgotten as…
New pics and an international poster has hit the web for the upcoming ‘Snow White and the Huntsman.’ The movie is only a…
The one thing I like about featurettes is that they give depth to a movie that is not found in TV spots and…