The demon known as The Abyss, which is controlling the Taskmaster and just about everyone in the entire city, is about to spread…
After the events of the last issue, Taskmaster is now wielding the powers of the three crowns and he controls an army of…
With the Secret Avengers trying to keep Taskmaster from delivering the final piece of Max Fury’s plan to the sentient life model decoy,…
It looks like ‘Secret Avengers’ has tagged out of ‘Avengers vs. X-Men’. With this issue, the band is back to their old tricks…
For those of you who read my reviews, you’ll know that I didn’t enjoy last week’s ‘Avengers’ #27 because it wasn’t uniform with…
In the last issue of ‘Secret Avengers’, we saw the return of Captain Marvel from the dead, and he was on a new…
In this first Secret Avengers tie-in to ‘Avengers Vs. X-men’, this team is tasked with stopping the Phoenix Force before it gets to…