James Gunn‘s ‘Brightburn’ may have already released a final trailer, though apparently, the studio meant final live-action trailer as we have a slick new animated one to share with you today! This new trailer takes us “Inside the Mind of BRIGHTBURN” and is a motion comic of what the alien child Brandon (Jackson A. Dunn) seems to be thinking.
Needless to say, he doesn’t love humankind, and his view of the world wouldn’t be a pleasant place to live.
RELATED: The ‘Brightburn’ Child Is “Indestructible” In The Latest Clip
You can check out the ‘Brightburn’ animated trailer below:
Not only does this trailer give an insight into the mind of someone who isn’t quite human, but you can quickly see how his ideas for dealing with humanity start to come together.
Director David Yarovesky feels that the moral of the story is “Maybe adopting an alien baby you find in the woods isn’t the best idea.” Sure, you could get a Clark Kent but what if you ended up with a Brandon?
As to the look of Dunn’s costume, Gunn explains:
“I just gave so many notes on that mask trying to create a really truly iconic horror movie character in the same way that Freddy Krueger is, or in the same way that Leatherface is, or in the same way that Jason is. Trying to create something with that same sort of feel that is instantly scary [and] plays with the superhero-ness of it all but at the same time is most definitely rooted in horror.”
You can’t help but feel that he pulled it off!
Are you looking forward to checking out ‘Brightburn’ this weekend? What did you think of this animated outing into the mind of the central character in the film? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister? With Brightburn, the visionary filmmaker of Guardians of the Galaxy and Slither presents a startling, subversive take on a radical new genre: superhero horror.
‘Brightburn’ will be in your local theaters on May 24th, 2019!
Source: Entertainment Weekly