If you think that Mark Jackson’s Isaac is one of the most significant characters on ‘The Orville’ this little Season 2 tidbit should warm your heart. While vaporizing children was the last fun-filled piece of advice that he gave to Penny Johnson Jerald‘s Claire it seems like we’ll be in store for more wisdom when the series returns!
A new shot has been released for the upcoming season, and in it, you can see that Claire has once again mistakingly gone to Isaac for help with parenting. Why she continues to go down this route would be questionable to any rational parent in the galaxy, but at the same time, most parents can tell you that at times their kids will make them a little irrational. Hopefully, this won’t be the only time which we see some Kaylon advice being doled out on how to properly raise a child.
You can check out Claire’s questionable reaction in the image below!
I think what the best portion of this advice is how it appears to be delivered in song. You just can’t go wrong with a musical on ‘The Orville! Outside of our alien friend once again sharing his thoughts on how humanity could best operate, we’re also going to be seeing brand new aliens as well as having to deal with the Krill once again. Another visit to Moclus is in store as well as having first contact with a brand new civilization!
Are you looking forward to checking out the second season of Seth MacFarlane’s ‘The Orville’? Do you think that Isaac’s next set of parenting advice can top vaporizing Claire’s children? How much advice will this Kaylon be able to give in the sophomore outing of the show? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
‘The Orville’ will be flying back onto Fox on Sunday, December 30th, 2018 at 8/7c!
Source: TV Line