CBS has cancelled its sci-fi summer series ‘Salvation’ after two seasons. The series involves the discovery of an asteroid headed toward Earth and the efforts to stop it. Season 2, which aired this summer, depicted the population learning of the approach of the asteroid Samson and panic breaking out. The season finale revealed that the object headed toward Earth was not an asteroid at all. Unfortunately, now it doesn’t appear that viewers will ever find out what happens next.
The second season averaged a 0.3 rating in adults 18-49, which equals 2.7 million viewers. Ratings were down 36% in adults 18-49 and 24% in overall viewers. (Keep in mind, it’s CBS so its average viewers are over that age.)
‘Salvation’ starred Santiago Cabrera, Charlie Rowe, Jennifer Finnigan, Jacqueline Byers, and Ian Anthony Dale. Cabrera portrayed Darius Tanz, a billion scientist, and CEO who become the Vice President and later the President after the President is assassinated. Rowe appeared as Liam Cole, an MIT student and one of Tanz’s employees, who helps in the planning of the asteroid’s destruction. Finnigan portrayed Grace Barrows, a Pentagon press secretary, who becomes the President’s senior adviser, while Byers played Jillian Hayes, Liam’s girlfriend who is tasked with selecting a portion of the population to evacuate Earth in case efforts to stop the asteroid failed. Ian Anthony Dale portrayed Harris Edwards, the Secretary of Defense.
CBS’ cancellation of ‘Salvation’ follows that of ‘Zoo’ last year, which had run for three years, also during the summer. Generally speaking, TV viewing plunges in the summer months, as most shows go on hiatus. At least CBS is trying to deliver some fresh programming during that time. But seeing as how schools are out and people tend to take vacations during this period, not to mention events like Independence Day, it’s hard for a lot of these original programs to find an audience.
Were you a fan of ‘Salvation’? Are you sad to see it go?
Source: Variety