Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker

The Doctor has spoken! Jodie Whittaker addressed fans during the Sheffield press launch for the Season 11 premiere and admitted that her fantastic leap from a sixty-foot crane was not the most difficult part. Whittaker explained:

“The hardest thing about episode one was being in Peter’s costume for ninety per cent, ninety-five per cent of it. I was literally in someone else’s shoes so I felt as if I was continually trying to discover things, as opposed to settling in.”

So, it would seem that twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi left big shoes to fill, literally and figuratively. Finding her costume was a big moment for Whittaker. She said:

“I really love the euphoria of the scene where the Doctor finds what she wants to wear because it does feel for me from that moment the electricity all connects back. For me personally, I felt I could get in to my own skin.”

Whittaker didn’t totally leave out the crane stunt from the episode. When asked about it, she told the crowd:

“In Episode One, that’s all me. I’m really proud of that.”

However, she admitted she won’t always perform her own stunts. The Doctor must protect her hearts, after all! She said:

“There are moments when it needed a professional, but in this, it didn’t need a professional, it needed someone who was daft enough to jump between two cranes and absolutely bricked it!”

She continued, saying:

“This was three days in, four o’clock in the morning, week one, I was trying to be really cool in front of the crew, but the wonderful thing about the Doctor is that it’s all about self-belief in so many ways. You don’t have these outlandish or otherworldly skills physically, you have a body like anyone else and it can and can’t do certain things. That kind of faith to just leap was really euphoric.”

‘Doctor Who’ airs Sundays on the BBC!