One of the most fun events at San Diego Comic-Con 2018, was SYFY’s ‘The Great Debate,’ where panelists John Barrowman, Orlando Jones, Joe Manganiello, Janet Varney, Felicia Day and Adam Savage, with Aisha Tyler as the moderator, debated all the big fan questions of the day, with hilarious results.
The highlights of the panel had to be Orlando Jones and John Barrowman, the latter of which was not amused when he was asked to defend Captain Kirk due to an ongoing Twitter war with William Shatner, but admitted that Kirk the character was pretty great, ending by saying “…but you Shatner, I’m tired of!” Jones also had a great comment when the discussion turned to whether they would rather live in King’s Landing or Marvel’s New York, and Jones pointed out that King’s Landing has “no black people and white walkers… no way.” I also enjoyed the panel completely trashing the Green Lantern rings, especially Adam Savage who called the Rings completely “lame” when compared to an Infinity Stone or a Wizard Wand.
All in all, the panel was immensely entertaining, had a lot of energy, the fans really seemed to love it, and I would recommend to anyone going to Comic Con next year!
Check out all of the topics that were discussed below, and the results, and feel free to weigh in with your own opinions in the comments section!
TOPIC 1: George Lucas VS Stan Lee – Stan Lee was clear winner
TOPIC 2: Would You Rather Be A Citizen In King’s Landing (‘Game Of Thrones’) or A Citizen In New York In Marvel Comics – Came out to be about a tie
TOPIC 3: Who Is The Best Chris? Hemsworth, Pratt, Evans, or Pine? – I believe after MUCH debate Hemsworth was the winner.
TOPIC 4: Who Is The Greatest Captain Between Captain America, Han Solo, Captain Kirk, Captain Planet, Cap’N Crunch, Malcolm Reynolds, or Jack Harkness? – Captain Mal Reynolds Winner!
TOPIC 5: Who Wins In A Fight: X-Men, Avengers, Or Justice League? – Justice League was the pretty clear winner.
TOPIC 6: Would You Rather Have a Green Lantern Ring, ONE Infinity Stone, or a Wizard Wand? – Wizard Wand is the winner