‘Teen Titans Go! To The Movies’ is the upcoming film based on the Cartoon Network series. In the film, Robin (Scott Menville), Starfire (Hynden Walch), Raven (Tara Strong), Beast Boy (Greg Cipes), and Cyborg (Khary Payton) travel back in time in an attempt to prevent all superhero origin stories from happening, thinking Hollywood would have no choice but to make movies about them as the only superheroes left! Ahead of the film’s premiere, Warner Bros. has released a clip showing the lengths the tiny Titans will go to for success.
The crew heads to Krypton first, and as you can see in the clip below, stop Superman from coming to Earth by playing an EDM beat on Krypton’s crystals, which somehow prevents the planet’s destruction. ‘Teen Titans Go! To The Movies’ directors, Aaron Horvath and Peter Rida Michail, revealed that this was one of the first scenes they worked on for the film and that their original idea was much less exciting. Horvath said:
“Initially, it was like a computer they were banging on to try to fix the planet. We were sitting with David Gemmill, who is the storyboard artist, and the scene wasn’t quite working yet, and we were sort of shooting ideas around. I think at the same time we were like, ‘It’s the crystals! Krypton and the crystals!’ From there, it was like, ‘Well, they gotta use those crystals to make a beat.’ It just seemed like so logical to us.”
Michail added:
“That setting is clearly an EDM setting, so we knew the vibe that needed play in that world.”
The song played during the scene is called ‘Crystals’ and was written by Gemmill and M A E S T R O. ‘Teen Titans Go! To The Movies’ features several original songs, including ‘Go!,’ a hip-hop track that introduces the team, and ‘Upbeat Inspirational Song,’ which features Michael Bolton. Fans of the TV series know that music is a big part of the franchise, so it only makes sense to continue that theme for the movie. Michail spoke on the importance of the music, saying:
“Going into the movie, we just knew we needed to go big and hard on the music.”
‘Teen Titans Go! To The Movies’ comes out in theaters on July 27. Check out the clip below!