The Walking Dead

‘The Walking Dead”s Angela Kang has given her first interview as showrunner! While the longtime writer for the series was careful not to reveal too many details about Season 9, she did drop just enough hints to keep fans interested! Read on for the full interview between Kang and TVLine regarding the upcoming season of ‘The Walking Dead.’

Kang did confirm there will be a time jump when Season 9 comes around:

“It’ll be a good time jump — big enough that the world has changed around our characters. We’ll see some new looks and new feels to the show, and there will be more instances of man-made things breaking down and nature kind of taking over. [Our survivors] will also be using more hand weapons, because there’s just not enough ammo.


“It’s a new chapter for them. Now we’re more looking at how people move on and building for the future. People are thinking about what it means to be a civilization.”


Season 9 will also deal with the ramifications of Rick’s decision to spare Negan and how that will weigh on Maggie:

“We’ll get into that. When we start off, life is good for Maggie. But Negan still lives in her mind, and [the fact that Glenn’s murderer wasn’t put down] weighs on her. So she has to figure out what she has to do to set that right for herself.”

As to whether we’ll get to see the Whisperers, Kang teases:

“All I’ll say is there are some really exciting things in store for fans of the comics.”

Check back for more news about ‘The Walking Dead’ as it is released before the show’s return in February 2019!