We’ve seen Stan Lee take on a multitude of cameo parts in various Marvel Studios and Marvel TV projects but his inclusion in Freeform’s ‘Cloak & Dagger‘ might not be what you’re expecting. In fact, it probably won’t even be what you were hoping for. From potentially being a Watcher to a General to a playboy, Lee has done it all. However, his appearance in ‘Cloak & Dagger’ will be more akin to what we’ve seen in the various Netflix shows as a glorified background Easter Egg.
According to executive producer Joe Pokaski “there’s a fantastic painting of Stan Lee that’s hidden in one of our scenes” during one of the episodes in the first season. This seems more in line with both newspaper articles in ‘Defenders’ and as graffiti on a building in ‘Deadpool 2.’ I’m sure we all would have loved to have seen Marvel’s iconic editor in chief in the flesh, but this one will have to do.
That isn’t to say we’re at the end of our rope on Marvel name and face drops as Pokaski went on to say that “We’re excited to have Roxxon Gulf, our Louisiana version of Roxxon, represented. There are at least a dozen Easter eggs in the first season that Marvel approved, and a few more that I snuck in there.”
It isn’t clear if there will be direct crossovers to the Marvel Cinematic Universe or name drops of other shows, but he did hint that they’ve had “some exciting conversations about how we could artfully cross Tandy and Tyrone over [to other Marvel properties].” He continued to say that “the beauty of these two is that they can show up anywhere [and it makes sense].”
While I doubt this means they would end up on any of the Netflix shows, it could very well lead to a Marvel’s ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ tie-in or perhaps have them run into ‘The Runaways’ which they’ve worked with in the comics.
There is hope that since he series has already been picked up for a second season Lee could show up down the line.
Are you eager to see what kind of Easter Eggs might still be in store for us in ‘Cloak and Dagger’? Do you wish that Stan Lee could have made a physical appearance in the series? Share your thoughts below, True Believers!
Source: TV Line