The DCEU might be losing its Superman as Henry Cavill is only under contract to play the Man of Steel one more time. Right now, he’s actually pretty vocal on what he’d like to do if he only appears in one other film. What you have to ask yourself, though, is exactly what movie would it be? Unless contract negotiations happen, he may only be up for ‘Man of Steel 2‘ which is rumored to be in development or a second ‘Justice League‘ film. Now, we’ve already seen this problem come up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Robert Downey Jr. coming back to reprise his role as Tony Stark and voicing Iron Man for Avengers films, ‘Captain America: Civil War’ and ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’.
As to if the DCEU will extend that same courtesy to Cavill, recast, or get rid of Superman for good is entirely unknown at this point.
While certain people behind the DCEU vision haven’t really been on the same wavelength until ‘Wonder Woman’ came out, it looks like that tide might finally be turning and Cavill seems to want to make exactly what audiences would like to see:
“There’s a wonderful opportunity to tell the Superman story. Now there is a fantastic chance to show Superman in his full colors and tell a very complex, character-driven movie that is based on story and have that wonderful sensation of hope and happiness. A feel-good movie with lessons laced in there as well.”
Something with Superman that isn’t dark sounds much like what audiences would want to see at this point. While ‘Justice League’ has the worst domestic opening for any of the films in the DCEU to date, it clearly has been resonating with some fans. While the franchise’s future might be up in the air, it seems like ‘Wonder Woman’ was the clear winner in attracting an audience and what Cavill would want to do would help the DCEU continue that stride in a way we couldn’t see in a Batman movie.
If he only returns one last time would you be interested in seeing Cavill reprise his role as Superman in a Justice League or Superman movie? If it is for a standalone, would your preference be in the darker style of ‘Man of Steel’ or would you hope that they went the route that Cavill is pitching? Share your thoughts below!
Source: L.A. Times