SPOILER ALERT: This article mentions some scenes from ‘Batman V Superman’ so if you still haven’t seen it, you may wish to turn back now.
Was anything not divisive about ‘Batman V Superman’? One viewer’s awesome Easter Egg is another’s WTF?! moment. That is certainly the case regarding the scene in which Wonder Woman examines Lex Luthor’s computer files pertaining to (uh additional spoiler alert?) her future ‘Justice League’ cohorts. But even for some fans, the clip of Cyborg’s origin was a bit confusing, possibly because Cyborg is the least commonly known character among the announced movie team.
Director Zack Snyder explained that sequence here.
Not only is Cyborg, played by Ray Fisher, not quite as famous as Aquaman and The Flash, it also didn’t seem as if Warner Bros. was in too big a hurry to foist him onto the public. While he will presumably be in ‘Justice League’, his solo movie isn’t scheduled for release until April 3, 2020. (‘The Flash’ is due on March 16, 2018. ‘Aquaman’s on July 27, 2018.) With such a distant release date, very little has been announced n reference to ‘Cyborg’, not even a director. (‘The Flash’ will be helmed by Seth Grahame-Smith, with James Wan guiding ‘Aquaman’.)
But it seems maybe there are plans to continue developing Cyborg a.k.a. Victor Stone for movie audiences before his solo film.
Producer Deborah Snyder recently revealed:
“As you can imagine, when we get to the Flash movie, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher — who plays Cyborg — are kind of our youngest characters, and they have a really nice comradery with each other. Ezra is super funny, so the tone of that film will be very different than the rest of them.”
So Cyborg plays some role in ‘The Flash’, even if it’s just as a supporting character. What’s interesting is that Cyborg, in the comics, does actually have a close friendship with The Flash… just not this one. In the classic continuity, Vic Stone spent years fighting alongside Wally West, originally Kid Flash and later The Flash after the death of Barry Allen. Both heroes founded the New Teen Titans and their friendship carried on years afterward.
In the original Justice League comics, Barry Allen/The Flash is never hinted at ever being younger than the other heroes. It sounds as if Ezra Miller‘s version may combine elements of Barry and Wally.
Below is an image posted by Aquaman actor Jason Momoa on his Instagram account, depicting Ben Affleck, Fisher, Momoa and Miller bonding at the ‘Batman V Superman’ premier:
Awww! They certainly look like Super Friends already!
Are you glad that audiences may get to know Cyborg a bit better in ‘The Flash’ before the character is tasked with headlining his own movie?
You can glimpse both Fisher and Miller in ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ out now.
And both will join Affleck, Momoa, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Amy Adams and J.K. Simmons in ‘Justice League – Part One’, directed by Snyder, due on November 17, 2017.
Source: /Film
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