Relativity Media has just confirmed that they still plan on making ‘The Crow‘ with Corin Hardy on board to direct the film. A couple weeks back Hardy had mentioned that “I’m absolutely involved. It’s been frustrating that we’ve had this delay, but it’s something that I’m looking forward to continuing the work that we were all in the thick of when the Relativity situation occurred” and now Relativity has just signed Hardy to a holding deal. The current plan is that once the bankruptcy proceedings finish up that the remake of ‘The Crow’ will be the first film to go into production in March.
As production for the film is set to begin in early 2016 they no longer have to worry about the rights reverting to Edward R. Pressman for either the film or the ability to “acquire and maintain the property’s sequel, prequel, and remake rights.” I’m sure that won’t help tensions between the studio and Pressman who last we heard was still a producer on the franchise.
Not everything is going well for the film though as the they’ve lost a couple of big name actors over the years with both Jack Huston and Luke Evans having dropped out from the role. To help sell this their best bet will be to get a big name attached to the film but with the delays and potentially limited budget that might be increasingly difficult to pull off. With Bradley Cooper, Channing Tatum, Tom Hiddleston, and James McAvoy all having been rumored to be in the starring role at one point or another that cuts the choices down even more. While a lesser known actor, I still say that Sam Witwer would be an excellent casting choice.
Are you happy to hear that the remake of ‘The Crow’ is still on track or think that with all of the delays in production that this is doomed to fail? Share your thoughts below!
Sources: The Wrap, Slash Film