Back in 2012, Peter Parker (the Amazing Spider-Man of the 616 universe) and Miles Morales (the Ultimate Spider-Man) joined forces in the crossover titled ‘Spider-Men’ from writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Sara Pichelli. But in 2016, it’s the girls’ turn to play as a few Spider-Ladies from different universes cross paths.
During the All-New All-Different Marvel panel at New York Comic Con, Marvel Comics announced a brand new crossover for their Spider-books next year titled ‘Spider-Women’. Starring Silk, Spider-Woman, and Spider-Gwen, things will kick off with the standalone ‘Spider-Women: Alpha’ (which features a great cover by Yasmine Putri) before linking up with the other three titles from the teams of Dennis Hopeless & Javier Rodriguez of ‘Spider-Woman’, Jason Latour & Robbi Rodriguez of ‘Spider-Gwen’, and Robbie Thompson & Stacey Lee of ‘Silk’.
We learn in this story that the trio has formed a bond since the events of ‘Spider-Verse’. But when something goes wrong during a routine brunch, Jessica Drew and Cindy Moon find themselves thrust into the multiverse and stranded on Gwen Stacy’s Earth-65. Meanwhile, the alternate versions of our 616 heroines have taken their place in the main Marvel Universe, which doesn’t exactly bode well for New York City.
Oh, and for those wondering about the very pregnant Drew on the previously revealed ANADM cover, this crossover will take place after Spider-Woman gives birth to her lovely twins.
‘Spider-Women’ marks the second “mini-crossover” that the House of Ideas announced over the weekend. The first was ‘Avengers: Standoff’, an event spanning a number of Avengers titles in celebration of Captain America’s 75th anniversary that will see the Star-Spangled Avenger and a myriad of others connected to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes uncover the secrets of a small town called Pleasant Hill.
What do you think of the ‘Spider-Woman’ crossover coming from the Spidey office at Marvel Comics next year? Are you excited to see more of Jessica Drew, Cindy Moon, and Earth-65’s Gwen Stacy? Let us know in the comments below.
Source: IGN