For anyone else exceptionally excited for the premiere of the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ animated series on Disney XD, check out the new clips released from Marvel detailing the origins of Peter Quill. Taking place right after his kidnapping from Earth (aka Terra), it shows Peter first meeting Yondu, officially taking the name “Star Lord,” joining the Ravagers, experimenting with the toy gun his mother gave him (which turns out to be a real weapon once he is in outer space), and then fending off the first aliens that he encounters all while realizing that he may never actually make it back to his home back on earth.
With Marvel continuing to roll out these shorts, look for more character backgrounds and glimpses into the galactic side of the Marvel universe as we prepare for the premiere of the show this fall!
“The “Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy” multi-platform schedule is:
August 1 – August 29
Each Saturday through August, catch two new character shorts airing on Disney XD.
August 1: Star-Lord – Part 1 (8:58 PM ET) & Part 2 (10:28 PM ET)
August 8: Groot – Part 1 (8:58 PM ET) & Part 2 (9:58 PM ET)
August 15: Rocket Raccoon – Part 1 (8:58 PM ET) & Part 2 (9:58 PM ET)
August 22: Drax – Part 1 (8:58 PM ET) & Part 2 (9:58 PM ET)
August 29: Gamora – Part 1 (8:58 PM ET) & Part 2 (9:58 PM ET)”
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy follows the newly-formed team who finds a strange artifact keyed only to the DNA of Peter Quill. Upon opening it, Quill unleashes a treasure map leading to a powerful weapon known as the Cosmic Seed which is capable of giving birth to the next universe. It’s up to the Guardians to find, protect and ultimately destroy the Cosmic Seed in order to keep it out of the hands of those who would abuse its power, from galactic big boss Thanos, to the conniving brothers the Collector and the Grandmaster, to a resurrected Ronan, to the ultimate trickster, Loki, in order to save the universe.