Another actor has passed on the role of Rick Flagg in Warner Brother’s ‘Suicide Squad‘ as Jake Gyllenhaal (‘Donnie Darko‘,’Source Code‘) has bowed out of the film. Gyllenhaal was the frontrunner for the spot and has passed on it not even a week after Tom Hardy (‘Inception,’ ‘The Dark Knight Rises’) had left the production. The rumor as to why Hardy left was said to be due to a major change in the script that altered his role in the film as mentioned in a possible spoiler filled plot description. With this major switch up for the character quite possibly against what Hardy expected from Flagg’s portrayal, it was a great time to get out. However at the moment there is no reason on why Gyllenhaal is not going to be attached to the film.
It should be of note that Gyllenhaal does have four films already being released in 2015 including ‘Accidental Love,’ ‘Southpaw,”Everest,’ and ‘Demolition’ so after a busy year of filming and with marketing commitments on them he may just want a bit of downtime.
While the role of Rick Flagg will most likely be portrayed by a major actor, he is rumored to not be the central character in the film. With Will Smith (‘Men in Black,’ ’I Am Legend’) as Deadshot, Jared Leto (‘Requiem for a Dream,’ ‘Dallas Buyers Club’) as The Joker, Margot Robbie (‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’ ‘Neighbours’) as Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney (‘Divergent,’ ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’) as Boomerang, and Cara Delevingne (‘Anna Karenina,’ ‘Pan’) as Enchantress, ‘Suicide Squad’ still has an all-star studded cast even if they can’t get a big name actor to run the squad. There is still so much talent on the table that it would be hard for director David Ayer to not be able to pull off an interesting film about villains being forced to turn into heroes.
Fans of the ‘Suicide Squad,’ which actor would you like to see portray Rick Flagg? With one actor dropping the project and another that looked likely to take it out as well, does this spell trouble for the movie? Share your thoughts below!
Source: Variety