It appears the PlayStation Network was recently hacked again by an anonymous hacker group called the Lizard Squad, the same group who hacked the service for political reasons back in August.
On Sunday, those who tried to access the PlayStation Network Store were given an error message preventing them from logging in stating that the issue was “the Internet’s fault.” Those who tried to login to PlayStation Network were also given a similar message preventing them from logging in, saying it was undergoing maintenance and that online functionality was not available.
On Twitter, the group released a tweet claiming responsibility for the attack saying the following:
PSN Login #offline #LizardSquad
— Lizard Squad (@LizardPatrol) December 8, 2014
The Lizard Squad have been notorious for hacking attacks on various companies. While the group is known to have hacked the PlayStation Network in the past, they also recently claimed responsibility for Xbox Live on the Xbox 360 recently going offline last week.
As of writing, the PlayStation Network is currently back up and working just fine with the online store fully functioning. According to a Sony spokerperson: “We are still investigating the incident, including possible causes of it, but we haven’t found any trace of any sorts of information leaked out.”
This recent PlayStation Network hack comes off the cusp of another huge network hack that hit Sony Pictures Entertainment just last week. While the hacking attack on the PlayStation Network resulted in little damage, the one that occurred at Sony Pictures Entertainment resulted in the theft of confidential data.
For those unaware, the PlayStation Network has actually had a rather long history of being hacked in the past. As stated previously, it had been attacked back in August. But most infamously though was the network’s most massive breach in 2011, which resulted in the personal data and credit card information of 77 million customers being stolen.