SPOILER ALERT: This article discusses the post-credit sequence that appears at the very end of ‘Justice League: War’.  If you don’t want to know about that, please stop reading now!

‘Justice League: War’ had its world premier on Tuesday night and viewers are buzzing about the post credit sequence which teased the next ‘Justice League’ animated movie, which isn’t slated to premier this year.  (‘Son of Batman’ and ‘Batman: Assault On Arkham’ are the only two additional DC movies announced for 2014.)

‘War’ will be released on DVD and BluRay on February 4, 2014, but is available digitally now on iTunes.  It features a retelling of the New 52 Justice League, bringing together fledgling heroes Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Shazam, Superman and Wonder Woman to oppose Darkseid and his army of Parademons.

I have not seen it yet, but I don’t care about spoilers, but apparently despite the heroes best efforts, the Earth does suffer some great devastation.  Many fans have griped about Aquaman, a founding member in the comics being swapped out for Shazam, who has yet to officially be made a member in the comics.  The post-trailer sequence hints at the reason why.

Via Newsarama, the scene is described as:

After the devestation to Earth due to the attack by the forces of Apokolips, a shot of the ocean is shown. In the water lay swathes of dead fish and other sealife – and then waves start from the middle of the water. A vessel rises, and with what sure seems to be the helmet of Orm, Ocean Master (Aquaman’s brother). In his arms lie a dead old man. Ocean Master says, “The Surface Dwellers have killed our king. This is an act of war. And they will pay.”

Anyone else notice the similarity between Orm’s helmet and the face of Lagoon Boy from ‘Young Justice’?

Just an observation.  I doubt there’s any connection.  Several months ago, Geoff Johns confirmed that Aquaman would be the focus of an upcoming animated movie.  It looks as if the next animated ‘Justice League’ movie will feature a war between Atlantis and the surface world, which will surely draw Aquaman into the mix.  It will, at least in some aspects, surely adapt the comic book storyline ‘Throne of Atlantis’, in which Orm deluges major American cities with huge tsunamis killing thousands.

Are you excited about Aquaman taking center stage in an animated ‘Justice League’ movie?  How do you feel about post-credit sequences used to tease future movies?  What else would you like to see in the DC animated universe?

Source: Newsarama