Here’s a trailer you have to watch! While not sci-fi, this is something of a technological first. This preview is for a movie that will be the first feature-length video shot entirely with a smartphone that will get a theatrical release.

This film is directed by Korean filmmaker, Min Byung-Wu. Titled “Cats and Dogs”, the film will be released in Korean movie theaters starting December 12. It’s being distributed by CJ Entertainment and the Korean Film Council.

“Cats and Dogs” was shot using an iPhone 4s. The story is about a man with a cat who falls in love with a woman who owns a dog.

This isn’t Min’s first foray into shooting a film entirely on a smartphone. He has made some shorts in the past, including the film “Stray Cats” that won the grand prize at the first Olleh Smartphone Film Festival.

Interestingly enough, the Olleh Media Studio has a academy that teaches inspiring filmmakers how to create cinema using their smartphones. Min teaches at this academy.

This certainly is the future of filmmaking. Could we one day see Steven Spielberg using a smartphone to create a blockbuster?

Source: The Hollywood Reporter