At Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo in Los Angeles, during the AMC Movie panel, ‘Thor’ actress Jaimie Alexander, who plays Sif in the Marvel flicks spilled a few coy hints. She revealed that she had been in talks with Warner Brothers/DC and that she knew a few details about ‘Batman Vs. Superman’ the next step in the company’s attempts to solidify a stable franchise for its comic book characters.
Warner Brothers has been meeting with actresses who are in their late twenties-early thirties and who are physically fit and tall for a role in the movie, but so far not much has been revealed beyond that, but of course many are speculating that somehow Wonder Woman will factor into the movie, even if it’s a brief, post-credits cameo.
Could the actress who plays Sif for Marvel cross over and be the Amazing Amazon for DC? There are many similarities between the two, as both are bold warrior women with dark hair. And not having seen ‘Thor: The Dark World’ yet, I will at least state that Sif’s role in the first ‘Thor’ movie was pretty minor. So for Alexander to branch out into a more prominent role is not completely unlikely.
Alexander did say that she saw a third ‘Thor’ movie in the future, and judging by its success overseas, that seems highly likely. But still, considering ‘The Dark World’ hasn’t yet had its North American premier, and that ‘Avengers: The Age of Ultron’ won’t be arriving until 2015, it will probably be several years before a third Thor movie goes into development. That gives Alexander some wiggle room in her schedule, right?
Honestly, my knowledge of her comes strictly from the first ‘Thor’. I thought she was pretty impressive and held her own in her fight scenes. She also looks very much like Wonder Woman should. I think I’d be perfectly happy with her taking on the role.
As a bonus, after the panel, a fan @BretlfcMartin created and tweeted this image:
He added, “Hope the rumors are true!” and Alexander retweeted the image.
So what do you think? Should Wonder Woman be in the next DC movie? (I really don’t think we can keep calling it the sequel to ‘Man of Steel’ anymore.) And if so, would Alexander fit the bill? Sound off in the comments section below!
Sources ScreenRant and BatmanNews