While it is still debatable as to whether or not we’ve seen the last of River Song (although it truly seems like it in ‘The Name of the Doctor’), her life with the Doctor is as complicated as quantum physics itself, so it is extremely helpful when anyone makes a visual representation of this segment of her life. After all, her adventures with the Doctor run opposite in time with his future adventures being her past memories.
Doctor Who Online Senior Art Editor, Will Brooks, must have felt it was time for an updated River Song timeline so he put together this pretty cool comprehensive infographic that illustrates her timey wimey spacey wacey bippidy boppity boo life from the time she first met the Doctor as a baby on Demon’s Run to the last time she saw him as the 10th Doctor in the Library. He even added in parts of River’s life seen in the 2012 video game ‘The Eternity Clock’ as well as the events in the ‘First Night/Last Night’ minisodes that were included in the Season 6 Blu-ray set.
The infographic is rather large and detailed and even has a key on the side to help explain it all. If you’d like to see the full hi-res version, you can click over to Photobucket to see it in all its full glory. (Update: You may need to copy and paste this address to get to Brooks’ Photobucket page: http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z147/Willbrooks1989/RiverTimelineDWO-01_zpsba67c99c.jpg)
Of course, we can never be sure if this is the complete history of River’s time with the Doctor. While the echo of River was able to move on with the Doctor finally saying goodbye to her, she did promise there were more “spoilers” to come.
Until then, see what we know so far of River’s life with the infographic below: