Of all of the Marvel characters that fall into the larger universe who can have their own book, Thor is the most fitting. Wolverine is everywhere to the point of it being ridiculous but Thor? He’s a God. He’s not going to just be hanging out with The Avengers all day.

Therefor it’s fitting to have the idea of Thor getting together with his younger and older selves on a quest to not save his fellow Gods. Not just his fellow Gods though but all of the Gods from a creature named Gorr hellbent on killing them all.

The first 7 issues of the title has had the Thors (past, present, and future) all fighting Gorr in various stages of his life. The Godkiller has been shown to be quite successful in killing Gods as we’ve seen that the future Thor is a very Odinish old God King who sits on a throne as the only surviving Asgardian. Gorr has been quite successful though his plan is far from over.

At some point he has stopped killing Gods and is instead enslaving them to build what this arc is named after, The Godbomb. The bomb is apparently planned to be a creation that will kill all Gods and we enter the issue as young Thor being one of the slaves now tasked with the construction of this weapon.

While young Thor wants to refuse work he is quickly shown that his actions will not result in his own punishment but that a refusal to work will cause another God to be crucified. He also has an interesting conversation with Gorr’s son which makes me believe that he will somehow play into what is to happen.

This is the point where the book appears to begin to lose it’s focus which is surprising after an initially strong first 7 issues. Young Thor stumbles across a group of Gods who have been helping build this bomb for 100’s of years who are preparing to (after all of this time) sabotage it. The problem is that whoever commits the sabotage will most likely die. While the Gods argue who is going to make the ultimate sacrifice they notice that both Thor and their home made bomb (that will destroy the Godbomb) is gone.

Where are the other two Thors during all of this? Slowly making their way to where the Godbomb is to unleash their own brand of justice on Gorr. We’ll get to them in a moment though as we see Young Thor not only use his powers (which most of the other Gods are unable to do) but get to the Godbomb, plant his charge, and escape before it goes off.

Young Thor gets away and his escape from the deadly explosion puts him directly in contact with his older selves. They have him prepare for war as they notice that the Godbomb is not even scratched from the explosion. Next issue we’ll see how Gorr deals with three Thors all preparing to finish him for good.

It’s been fun seeing Thor out on his own. It’s been interesting to see the three current ‘key’ Avengers all having solo titles and how they’ve been played out working on their own.

Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Esad Ribic