It’s been a long couple of months for fans of Doctor Who while the hiatus has been dragging on. Yes, we got the Christmas special in December to keep up us going through the long drought of no Who, but yesterday, we got good news! The Official Doctor Who Tumblr announced this weekend was going to be big, and so it is, because today we got not one, but TWO trailers for the new series!
What we learn from the trailer is that the first question, “Doctor Who?” is taking a backseat to “Who is Clara Oswald?”, and apparently, that is the only mystery worth solving. Furthermore, a new Moffat moniker takes center stage. Good-bye to The Girl Who Waited, and get ready for The Impossible Girl.
From the looks of the trailer, it’s hard to tell if Moffat is making good on his promise to have old Classic Who villains, but Cybermen look to be playing a very definite role in the future.
The second trailer for BBC America, which will premier the new series of Doctor Who March 30th, 2013, can be found on Entertainment Weekly. It is about twenty seconds longer, and you can catch a little bit of extra footage though the theme remains largely the same.
In the end, both trailers end with The Doctor in the middle of a gloomy, wooded area, confessing “I am The Doctor, and I am very afraid.”
Boom believes the truth is out there, and that there is no such thing as a final frontier. She isn’t, however, entirely convinced that a towel is that useful for all situations.She is the author of 'Dora's Jinx', 'The Death of Israel Leventhal', and 'Pay-Per-View Ragnarok and Other Modern Myths'. All are available on Amazon.As a science fiction nerd, she has written her Masters dissertation on spatial philosophy in Star Trek, and hosts Charlie Foxtrot (A Stargate Universe podcast) as well as The Five Year Mission (a Star Trek Podcast).The things she likes outside of Science Fiction include British panel shows, writing young adult stories, reciting the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in an attempt to be ironically cool, and sketch comedies.