Mark Miller has been very busy since being announced creative consultant for all things Marvel related for Fox studios. Undoubtedly he’s been filled in and privy about all aspects of the three main Marvel films currently at Fox, ‘The Fantastic Four’ reboot, ‘The Wolverine’ and ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past.’ But it’s his comments about the latter film that recently has been making news.

In an interview with SFX magazine, Millar briefly talked about Matthew Vaughn’s take on the sequel. While not going into too much detail about the film, Millar did drop some very big hints that are making many X-Men comic fanboys and girls giddy to see this movie:

“Vaughn is going for a big sci-fi style thing with X-Men: Days of Future Past. It’s X-Men meets The Terminator. You’ve got robots, you’ve got time travel, you’ve got superheroes – it’s got everything in one film.”

Anyone familiar with the ‘Days of Future Past’ story arc in the comic know that the plot dealt with the presence of Sentinels, giant mutant hunting robots that were programmed to locate, capture and kill mutants. Gathering from Millar’s statement, it looks like fans will not only get to see theses super villains in action but if we’re lucky, also the appearance of Nimrod!

From the sound of it all, ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ will indeed be a bigger deal than its predecessor which, of course, means a bigger budget. Millar doesn’t think this fact will intimidate Vaughn. “Cost-wise it’s going to go up, and ambitious-wise it’s gone up,” Millar says, “but Vaughn can handle it. Vaughn made Kick-Ass for $28 million.”

I’m very eager to see what Vaughn does with the film as I’m a big fan of the ‘Days of Future Past’ story line not only from the comics but also when it was featured in the old ‘X-Men’ animated series back in the early 1990’s on the FOX channel.

Production is slated to begin in January of next year so with the film scheduled to be released on July 18, 2014 in the US and on July 14, 2014 in the UK.


Source: Total Film