Last week, it was announced that part one of the animated adaptation of the iconic Batman story ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ would be premiering in New York on September 20th and in LA on September 24th. We’ve seen the first trailer for the film earlier this month as well. Now, we get our first full-fledged clip!
Thanks to Coming Soon (via Blaster), we can see the Caped Crusader back in action after a long hiatus as he’s in hot pursuit of some perp. Actually, this is just an extended sequence from the trailer, but hey, it’s something, right? Check out the clip below:
Jay Oliva’s take on Frank Miller’s game-changing Batman tale features quite the impressive voice cast including David Selby, Wade Williams, Michael McKean, Ariel Winter as Robin, and Peter Weller as Batman. Here’s the official synopsis for those unfamiliar with the classic story:
It’s been a decade since Bruce Wayne hung up his cape, following most of the other superheroes who had been forced into retirement. Facing the downside of middle age, a restless Bruce Wayne pacifies his frustration with racecars and liquor – but the bat still beckons as he watches his city fall prey to gangs of barbaric criminals known as The Mutants.
‘The Dark Knight Returns Part 1’ is scheduled for release on Blu-ray and DVD on September 25th.