Ever since Steven Moffat announced that Jenna Louise Coleman would be the Doctor’s new companion, rumors have been flying about what she would be like. Speculations included she may be an alien or even the daughter of Ten and Rose Tyler from the other dimension. At one point even the name Susan Tyler was rumored – no thanks to IMDb. (For you new Whovians, Susan was the name of the Doctor’s granddaughter when the show first aired in 1963). Now it looks like we may have a name and a first look of Jenna Louise Coleman as the new companion.

While filming on location at Margam Country Park in Wales, several on-location fans/reporters say that they overheard producers and cast members call her… drum roll please… CLARA.

Pictures have been uploaded from the location shoot and it looks like the time travelers have landed sometime in the Victorian Era (by the looks of the clothing). “Clara” is in still in modern clothing while the Doctor is dashing in his jacket, waistcoat, and signature bow tie. I particularly like the addition of the brainy specs in one of the pics.

The scenes being filmed will be part of the 11th episode of the new season and was written by Neil Cross (creator of the crime drama hit ‘Luther’ starring Idris Elba who stars in ‘Prometheus’ and ‘Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance’ and will be seen in ‘Thor 2’ and ‘Pacific Rim’). Word has it that Coleman’s debut episode with the Doctor (aka the Christmas episode) has not yet been filmed as Moffat is still in the process of writing it. Other scribes who have been confirmed to write scripts for the new companion include Mark Gatiss (‘Night Terrors,’ ‘Victory of the Daleks,’ ‘The Unquiet Dead’), John Fay (‘Miracle Day: The Gathering’ and Torchwood’s ‘Children of Earth: Day 2 and Day 4’), and Tom MacRae (‘The Girl Who Waited,’ ‘Rise of the Cybermen,’ ‘The Age of Steel’).

Now of course all this information about the new companion is unofficial as neither Moffat nor the BBC has yet to release her name. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past Moffat if “Clara” was an acronym and she was an alien in humanoid form. None the less, the first look of the companion is exciting and makes me wish we didn’t have to wait so long before the show returns on the air. I guess we’ll just have to be comforted with the saying, “Good things come to those who wait.” And by the amount Whovians around the world have been waiting, it will undoubtedly be a fantastic season!


Source: Doctor Who TV