Following the footsteps of the Fox network cancelling a well-loved show, ‘Terra Nova,’ BBC Three has decided that they will not renew the highly acclaimed series ‘The Fades.’
While being interviewed by SFX regarding his role in ‘Snow White and the Huntsman,’ Johnny Harris, who played Neil in the series, confirmed that ‘The Fades’ had not been “commissioned” for another year.
This saddens many fans as the series, with only 6 episodes in the first season, was a pleasant surprise to many viewers and critics. The series wasn’t afraid to push the boundaries of creepiness and gore and was able to draw you in immediately unlike many network series that have debuted this season and are just now getting into the crux of their stories after 14 episodes.
‘The Fades’ was about an awkward teenager (Iain De Caestecker) who is your atypical hero and spends a lot of his time with best friend Mac (Daniel Kaluuya). Being a teen is hard enough but it becomes more problematic when you start seeing dead people known as the Fades. Worse yet, the Fades have discovered that devouring human flesh enables them to be reborn as living beings. Compile that with the fact that he’s an “Angelic” and dreams about the apocalypse of the world and you have the makings of a compelling series.
Unfortunately, the season finale ended with a cliff hanger. Does the dark clouds at the end foretell the beginning of the apocalypse that Paul was unable to stop? Was he truly successful in reopening Ascension? Is the battle really over?
I guess we’ll never know as the series has not been renewed but we can always relive the first season as it is on Blu-Ray and DVD. Of course…we could always try to see if Netflix would be interested in picking ‘The Fades’ up.
Are you sad not to see a second season of ‘The Fades?’