Wonder Woman, along with the mysterious stone Brit named Lennox, are seeking to save the life of Zola, the latest human to become seduced and impregnated by Zeus. Complicating matters is the disappearance of Zeus and the power vacuum left behind in his wake. The other gods all seem to want his position for themselves, most notably in this issue Ares, ruler of the underworld, Poseidon, monarch of the oceans and Zeus’ widow (?) Hera, the vengeful queen of the gods. Wonder Woman proposes the two male gods share Olympus, with Hera ruling by both their sides, Poseidon in the daytime and Ares at night.
While still negotiating with Poseidon, Wonder Woman must break off to save Zola from Hera’s centaur assassins.
Hera herself arrives and informs them that she is not agreeable to their proposal, when Diana reveals that this was simply a ruse to lure Hera out of her throne room. Wonder Woman wins a small victory, but makes a mortal enemy of Hera in the process. However, it is another god that Wonder Woman must worry about in the immediate future, as she is pressed to fulfill an obligation at any cost.
Brian Azzarello continues to handle Diana and the gods in a very modern and interesting way. Here, Hades is depicted as a young boy with burning candles on his head, the wax dripping down and covering his eyes. Poseidon is a huge, grotesque sea creature. Wonder Woman finds herself pressed into a very rough position by the book’s close.
Tony Akins fills in on the art chores this month. His work is okay, but I didn’t love it. Aesthetically, it was just a little rough and unattractive, and the action scenes felt choppy and not smoothly rendered. It’s not awful or anything. But it’s not the best.
Overall, I feel like this book has sort of slowed down all of a sudden, but the upcoming quest Wonder Woman will have to embark upon should liven things up. I hope regular artist Cliff Chiang returns soon, as well.
Verdict: Borrow
Written by Brian Azzarello
Art by Tony Akins and Dan Green
Cover by Cliff Chiang