Last summer, we got word that producer David Foster was looking to bring Gene Roddenberry’s universe back to the small screen with another ‘Star Trek’ television show.
At the time of that announcement, Foster’s show was just in the idea stages and hadn’t even been pitched to Trek distributor CBS. Since then, there hasn’t been much word on the project… until now.
Bryan Fuller (‘Pushing Daisies’) and Bryan Singer (‘X-Men’) recently paired on NBC’s Munsters reboot, ‘Mockingbird Lane’. Now the sci-fi duo have turned their attention to the ‘Star Trek’ show and are trying to get things moving.
Both Bryans have tried to bring ‘Star Trek’ back to television in the past, but nothing has ever come of it. Now they have decided to pool their resources and geek-cred muscle to try again and see if they can’t pull it off this time.
Recently, the gang at AintitCool got a chance to sit down with Fuller, and this is what they had to say on the subject:
Fuller tells AICN exclusively that the two Bryans, who have long (but separately) contemplated new Star Trek TV series, have discussed the possibility of pooling their resources to take a new corner of Gene Roddenberry’s multiverse to the small screen. Hopefully J.J. Abrams and Les Moonves will give them the keys to Starfleet HQ.
There’s no word on whether Fuller and Singer are considering using any of the ideas put forth by Foster when he announced his ‘Star Trek’ show but, since Foster had his world pretty well thought out and an overview for up to seven seasons, it would be a no-brainer to bring Foster on board and make their Trek duo a trio.
Many fans, myself included, would love to see ‘Star Trek’ return to television, so you can bet I’ll be staying on top of this story as it develops. So, stay tuned for all the Trek info as this story develops.