It looks like two big films will be moving their production to new locations. If you happen to be near where they are filming, be on the lookout as you may be able to get a personal look at the films yourself!
‘World War Z’ Production Moves To London
‘World War Z’ has packed up its cast and crew and moved them to the London Borough of Southwark, more specifically, the Heygate Estate. Although some perceive the area as having a negative association for the borough, many local agencies there have worked with Paramount Pictures to bring a very special opportunity to the local community. While filming, the production company has agreed to allow young, aspiring film makers a unique opportunity to work on the set. They will be able to see firsthand how a large scale production is done while gaining hands on experience. After filming is completed, the Heygate Estate is slated to be demolished as part of a renovation and regeneration program of the area.
‘Man Of Steel’ Production Moves To Canada
Half way around the world, ‘Man of Steel’ will soon be packing up and leaving Chicago and heading to British Columbia to film around Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island, specifically in the city of Ucluelet. The Canadian Press has reported the film cast and crew will be in the area from “early September through to the end of January 2012” (according to production notes September 21 through January 20, 2012 to be exact) and that the city and surrounding areas have already been preparing for the filming by building sets in stage areas where filming is to occur.
The city of Ucluelet itself will be transformed into a small Alaskan fishing village. Filming will also occur on the ocean and at an industrial dock. Casting calls for extras have taken place in Ucluelet for older men and women with distinct character faces and commercial fishermen types. As of yet, no official word has been given about if filming in the city of Vancouver will be done, although rumor has it that some of the scenes may occur there too. Be on the lookout for signs that say ‘Autumn Frost’ as that is the code name for the ‘Man of Steel’. If you see them, then you know you are near where filming is being done.
Let us know if you happen to be near either of the two movies! We would love to hear some firsthand reports from our readers!