‘Star Trek; The Next Generation’ fans will rejoice in the news that CBS, as announced some time ago, is working on a four episode sampler disc of the classic sci-fi series to see how the episodes will look in high-definition and how costly it will be to remaster the audio and video. On Friday, LeVar Burton (Star Trek’s Geordie La Forge) all but confirmed that ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ is being converted to hi-definition for Blu-Ray release.
On Twitter, LeVar Burton said:
The link associated with the post was a photo taken just outside CBS Television City, we’ve added the photo below.
The rumor is that all seven seasons of ‘Star Trek: TNG’ will get the HD Blu-ray treatment and, as information is revealed and confirmed, we’ll post it here.
The name, “Nyrhalahotep”, (Neer ala ho tep) was derived from Nyarlathotep, also known as the Crawling Chaos, he was one of the cosmic Outer Gods in the fictional Cthulhu Mythos based on the writings of H. P. Lovecraft.Bryan adopted the variation of spelling for a character in World of Warcraft- (as the correct spelling was already in use) to save any future confusion, & in a sense, “brand” the name to be unique to only him, he kept it.
As a creative designer for over 40 years, Bryan has always been a Science Fiction fan. Starting with re-runs of the original Star Trek, Buck Rogers in the 24th Century, Doctor Who (The Tom Baker Years) Space 1999, the original Battlestar Galactica, and so many others.
Bryan turned to writing about his favorite genre in his own Blog as a pastime after the frustration of grammatical and other writing errors made articles he found of interest nearly impossible to read.