The truth is out there… or is it? At an interview in Sydney, Austrialia, Gillian Anderson was making the press rounds on her new movie ‘Johnny English: Reborn’ but the interest was more on her iconic role as Dana Scully and the hope of seeing her back again with her partner, Fox Mulder.
It looks like fans will not have to wait much longer as Kylie Speer, host of the Australian breakfast show Sunrise, tweeted:
“Just interviewed Gillian Anderson…she is super stunning
in real life and said she hopes a new #X-Files 2012 movie will be out next year!”
This is quite the news as not much has been said about an ‘X-Files 3’ movie even being green lit. Ever since ‘X-Files: I Want to Believe’ came out, rumors have been circulating about a sequel. David Duchovny as far back as 2009 stated that a third X-Files movie would be perfect for a 2012 release as that’s the year of the Mayan prophecies predicting the end of the world. “As far as the X-Files movie I’d like to do next, if we get a chance to do it,” he said, “It would be a return to the heart and soul of the mythology, which is the alien-oriented conspiracy. I think it’s natural for ‘The X-Files’ to have another movie in 2012, so we’ll see if we get to do it.”
Just last year (around November), Duchovny supposedly told TVMag (a French website) that a script for ‘X-Files 3’ was being written. This was later recanted by his public relations rep who said that the French reporter misunderstood what Duchovny was saying and that, at the time, he was not aware of a script being written. In addition, she clarified his statement saying that he actually said he would not mind working on another X-Files film with actress Gillian Anderson again and he was very proud of the previous two X-Files films.
‘X-Files: I Want to Believe’ was considered a flop only bringing in $68 million in the box office as opposed to the first ‘X-Files’ which made $190 million in worldwide sales. Many fans feel that a third installment that would focus on what brought the television series it’s success (alien invasion and government conspiracy storylines) would be what the franchise needs to bring it back to its former glory.
So there you have it! Whether the truth is out or you prefer to trust no one, both stars of the show really want to see it happen. As a huge ‘X-Files’ fan, I actually didn’t mind the last ‘X-Files’ movie and would love to see a third one made especially if Chris Carter was involved! How about you?
What would the film need to have for you to see ‘X-Files 3’?
Update: As is often the case with the internet, a small comment from a celebrity has been blown out of proportion. The crew at Bleeding Cool have transcribed the actual interview that the Australian journalist did with Gillian Anderson and here is what she really said regarding a new ‘X-Files’ movie:
“We’re hoping to … that’s something that we’ve said from the beginning, that we’d be interested in doing it if it ever came up again. I know that there are some discussions about it, I have no idea at what stage. There might a script, or how interested Fox is in doing it. We’re all hoping that it’s something that might take place. But they better hurry. 2012, which is the perfect subject matter, is coming up quickly.”
So… take from that what you will. It seems like both Anderson and Duchovny are interested in doing a new film but that’s about it. Nothing has actually been said about Fox making one. But stay tuned to If that changes, we’ll let you know. I know I’d like to see Mulder and Scully together on screen again.