Most gamers fail to realize the importance of music in their favorite games. Successful scores set the mood and the stage for the action, and they can make or break a player’s ability to immerse in their game. And if removed from the games, much of the music can stand alone quite beautifully.
Well, the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra realizes this and, in conjunction with Jason Michael Paul Productions, announced the return of ‘Play! A Video Game Symphony’ to Dayton, Ohio, on Thursday, March 31st at the Benjamin & Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center.
The innovative production will include full orchestral scores, multi-media gaming action on three giant screens above the stage, a 60-person combined chorus from three Dayton region high schools (Stebbins H.S., Oakwood H.S., and Kings H.S.), and will be conducted by the production’s new Music Director, Andy Brick . The first performance of Play! with the DPO garnered high praise and exceptional ticket sales for its original performance in April of 2009.
The DPO and Play! Are both proud to announce that Inon Zur ‘s celebrated music from ‘Dragon Age: Origins’ makes its U.S. premiere with Play! and the Dayton Philharmonic. ‘Dragon Age II’ recently released for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The Orchestra is excited to celebrate with this special performance of music from the original game.
In addition to ‘Dragon Age,’ Play! also debuts two brand new pieces: an all-new, never-before-heard arrangement of music from the ‘Castlevania’ franchise, as well as an enthralling new take on an old classic – but video game fans will have to wait for the new mystery piece, as it serves as an all new surprise opener for the show.
‘Castlevania,’ created especially for Play! by composer and orchestral arranger Chad Seiter (‘Fracture VG,’ ‘Fringe,’ ‘LOST,’ and ‘Star Trek’), features fresh and exciting interpretations of fan-favorites: “Moonlight Nocturne” from Symphony of the Night, “Iron Blue Intention” from Bloodlines, and “Bloody Tears” from Simon’s Quest. The exciting music and video spans the series from the original ‘Castlevania’ title through Konami’s most recent entry, “Lords of Shadow.” Gaming and music fans won’t want to miss this!
Play! is proud to introduce its new Music Director, Andy Brick, an acclaimed composer and experienced arranger in his own right. Maestro Brick brings his personal love for video games and the music that accompanies them to the concert hall. Executive Producer Jason Paul says: “Andy has a charismatic style of sharing the excitement of the music and action from Play! with audiences. Video game fans and music fans alike find themselves enthralled with the unique combination of their own orchestra with their favorite video games.”
We’re also excited to introduce award winning video producer/director Anthony Pagano as he completes his first year with Play! on tour. With over 25 years of experience working with such names as: The Jonas Brothers, Pavarotti, Ennio Morricone and Elton John , his more than 15 DVD credits range from Bad Company Live at the Hard Rock, The Isley Brothers, Dickie Betts to The Blind Boys of Alabama. Anthony is considered one of the finest “LIVE” video directors in the industry, and we’re delighted to have him on board.
Complete with a new team, a new year of games and a growing catalog of new music, Play! promises to create one of the most exciting concert experiences of the year, courtesy of the Dayton Philharmonic!
Ticket prices range from $22-$76. Student discounts are 50% off in Tiers B-E. Tickets for all remaining DPO 2010-2011 season concerts can be purchased online or by calling Ticket Center Stage at (888) 228-3630.