
Dan Aykroyd, one of the stars of the original ‘Ghostbusters’ pair of films in the 1980s, has doubled-down on his critique of Paul Feig, the director of the 2016 “reboot” ‘Ghostbusters: Answer the Call.’  Even though he speaks highly of the film itself and the new cast, Aykroyd seems convinced that the film’s problems – and the reason that production company Sony will likely not make any sequels – rests squarely on Feig’s shoulders.

In case you missed “Round One:” Aykroyd appeared recently on ‘Sunday Brunch,’ a talk-show-style series on British TV’s Channel 4+1 service.  In the unedited version of the interview, Aykroyd made no qualms about where he believed the issue lay with the problems surrounding the 2016 film and its release.  As he has done since the film’s release, he spoke very highly of the cast and the film itself, but in an apparent change of heart, he lambasted director Paul Feig and the seeming short-sightedness that led to extremely expensive reshoots being needed prior to the film’s release.

Aykroyd told his interviewers that Feig’s reshoots cost Sony anywhere from $30 to $40 million, which obviously would make a huge dent in Sony’s ability to make the film profitable enough to warrant a sequel.  For their part, Sony replied and refuted Aykroyd’s claims, stating that reshoots only cost $3 to $4 million.

Now Aykroyd took to his Facebook page yesterday to further comment on the matter:

Is this the beginning of a burgeoning feud?  You can rest assured that if the situation gets any further comments by any parties involved, we’ll be bringing it to you here on ScienceFiction.com!

‘Ghostbusters: Answer the Call’ is out on DVD/Blu-Ray and digital home-video release now.

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Tony Schaab wonders where Green Rangers come from – I guess if a Yellow Ranger and a Blue Ranger love each other very much… A lover of most things sci-fi and horror, Tony is an author by day and a DJ by night. Come hang out with Tony on Twitter or follow him on Facebook to hear him spew semi-funny nonsense and get your opportunity to finally put him in his place.