So, after last week’s climatic two-on-two vampires versus werewolves back alley brawl, there was only one casualty and, surprisingly, it was the one person trying to stop things from getting out of hand; Sally. One blow to the back of the head and everyone’s favorite ghost/human zombie/ghost/human/werewolf is dead. Again.

Sally tries stopping Aidan from doing something really, really bad

Aidan holds the cooling body of his lover in his hands while the once again Ghost Sally asks him to let her go. He believes she’ll be gone soon, disappearing into the afterlife via her door but she tells him “I don’t get a door”, a sentiment that burns his increasing rage even more. When a police car pulls into the alley, we see our first glimpse of Bishop, Aidan’s maker and King of the Hill, so to speak. He pleads with Bishop to clean up the mess and, after a harsh back and forth between the two, resentment clear in both men, Bishop agrees to do it. He asks Aidan who’s responsible for killing Sally and he growls “The wolves,” and the murderous intent is clear in his voice. Bishop promises to take care of it and they catch up with Ray and Josh as the two decide what to do next. Ray thinks they can take the two vampires, being that it’s a full moon, but it can’t keep up with Aidan’s revenge fueled mind. He overpowers the scruffy vampire as Josh and Bishop look on then ignores Sally’s pleas to let it go. After gouging out Ray’s eyes, Aidan snaps his neck and tosses the dead body over the scaffolding and to the ground below. Bishop wants to take out Josh as well but Aidan tells him to let his former friend suffer. He leaves Josh but not without telling the heartbroken man “if I ever see you again, I’ll kill you.” It’s the ultimate reminder that this isn’t the Aidan we’ve come to know in the present but a darker, nihilistic and cruel Aidan the world feared so long ago…

Flash forwarding one year later…

Aidan and Bishop have developed quite the blood supply ring going on what with the blood virus making its way through the city. Nora is in an unenviable position, forced to help the vampire in order for him to look the other way on her pain killer addiction. She hates doing it and even throws blame at Bishop. Her terrified reaction to Aidan ordering her to “never threaten Bishop” is the greatest reminder that he’s far removed from the guy who was once Josh’s best friend.

Speaking of Josh, it looks like he made a life on the outside, working at a diner with Sally still trailing along with him. She’s still in his ear, not only trying to get him to go out as well as believe in her being able to set things straight. She believes they can all still find their way back to one another but Josh has no faith in what she can do, citing “Your interventions don’t help…whatever charmed life in a brownstone you think we had, it’s over.”

Despite their newly rekindled partnership, there’s still a bit of tension between Aidan and Bishop, with the latter not reacting favorably to Aidan’s inability to meet quota, previously mentioned when Nora tells him about the mix up at the hospital. Favorite son or not, Bishop’s not too keen on Aidan not delivering, something exacerbated when Aidan steals his maker’s blood and sells it on the streets. After an epic beat down, one Aidan doesn’t fight back on, Bishop makes his point though what he does to Wallace—another vampire in his employ—cutting out his fangs, Aidan is reminded of the brutality of his maker.

At the diner, Sally’s still harping on Josh to get in contact with Donna. She even hijacks Josh and reaches out to Ilana, who ends up booting her out of Josh. He’s understandably furious that Sally would “rape [his] will”. During their conversation, he has a memory flash of her eating waffles with he and Nora at the table, a residual effect of her possession. When Josh kills an infected vampire, Sally remembers the timeline and what’s going on with the blood supply.

The next day, on a jaunt to the hospital, Josh comes across a broken down, soon-to-be divorced Nora. He has another flash, this time of he and Nora’s wedding. “You ever have those intense pains of déjà vu?” he asks her and she admits to similar experiences. He leaves out and tells Nora “take care of yourself, no matter what…cuz you are so, so awesome,” the last six words echoing his vows at their wedding. Aidan and Bishop looks like they are on the mend but the former, with Josh’s blood, has gone for the jugular, poisoning his maker. Sally believes Aidan’s “thanks” is a sign of them getting back together but he’s far removed from the person she’s known and loved, prompting her to curse him; “You were better off dead,” she tells him before she and Josh walk away.

Sally doing her best to convince Josh to help her find Donna

Not long after, Aidan visits the dying Bishop. “I know you killed me, Aidan. Half of Boston knows,” Bishop says. His tone is a mixture of betrayal, surprise, wonder, and pride. He wants Aidan to do what needs to be done, to rebuild their race with his virus-free blood. He drives off, his mind replaying his times with Bishop, a man that has helped shape his life for two hundred years. But those memories are overwhelmed by the happier times with Sally and Josh. It prompts him to visit the diner where he runs across Sally and shares his guilt for Sally’s death. “We were happy, weren’t we?” he asks her but before they can really finish the chat, she’s pulled away by Donna. Sally breaks down their relationship in the other timeline. It takes some work, but Donna agrees to help out, returning to the brownstone with Sally to the less than supportive Josh and Aidan. She’s able to reach her two boys though, as they both need to agree as it’s not certain things will work out better than they are now. Donna warns that they are “casting [their] lines into an unknown sea.” They are all-in and Donna warns Sally that, before she returns to her timeline, she’s gonna overshoot things, hit the future before settling back where she belongs. She readies a goodbye to Aidan and he tells her “if I forget and I’m different, make me remember.” Sally admits she’s loved him “for awhile now” before Donna does her thing…

the future Aidan and Josh arguing…”It was the one thing that gave me any hope,” a sobbing Aidan pants before snapping Josh’s neck in front of her…

…And then Sally’s back in the moment, watching Robbie’s body being taken away. “Please tell me you remember,” Sally tells Aidan but he doesn’t. She tells them of where she been but not the details. The future she saw “felt really close.” Sally can only wonder how do things end up becoming so bad for them and what she can do to fix it for good…

Countdown to the End…

  • Call me a sucker, but I’m a big fan when a show changes up the past we’ve come to know and add some unexpected wrinkles. The last two episodes of ‘Being Human’ have shown up just how much the original relationship between our supernatural trio had to do more with timing than anything else. Sally’s timeline tweaks is a reminder that it’s not just the people in your life but when those people enter your life that truly propels things one way or another.
  • And Sally’s spring forward into the past, one where Aidan viciously murders his best friend/wolfy brother is going to, both she and the audience can only wonder, what happens to bring their relationship to such a sudden and violent conclusion? Looks like we’ll have to wait and see as we enter the Final Four episodes of ‘Being Human’…