In the mythical realm of Eternia, Skeletor’s forces have mysteriously invaded Castle Grayskull, defeated their heroically-mighty defenses, and imprisoned the Sorceress. Man-at-Arms and…
We are back in action (figures) with an all new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on where…
Are you ready for a wet Christmas? Warner Brothers has unleashed the final trailer for ‘Aquaman’ and it is loaded with new footage,…
More images and news from James Wan‘s ‘Aquaman’ film continue to surface. Yesterday, it was revealed that much like Aquaman in classic comics…
Now that they have added ‘Supergirl’ to their weekly programming, The CW is the place to find all your favorite live-action DC Comics…
Forget Rocky Balboa! Ivan Drago has a much bigger fight on his hands. The man behind the towering Russian known as Dolph Lundgren…
After teaming up in ‘The Expendables 2’ earlier this year, action movie royalty Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren will be sharing the…