While the future of Universal Studios’ Dark Universe franchise appears to have been dead in the water after the release of 2017’s ‘The Mummy,‘ that appears to no longer be the case. With Alex Kurtzman And Chris Morgan leaving and ‘Bride of Frankenstein’ appearing to have been scrubbed, it looked like the plan had come to an abrupt end.
While we haven’t heard any news on the project for months, it would seem that the studio hasn’t abandoned the idea completely. Thanks to a post on Instagram from artist Robert Vargas there seems to be life here still. Vargas had a meeting with members of the “Dark Universe” team and mentioned that “monster things in the works ;) Stay tuned!”
One can only hope that if the studio is still going forward with their idea of a “Dark Universe” that they learned from the mistakes of ‘The Mummy’ and will be taking it in an entirely different direction. If not, it’ll be curious to see how far the rabbit hole that Universal will throw its money before realizing that this action horror comedy is not what fans are looking for in the “Dark Universe.”
Maybe they could go back on their knees and ask Guillermo Del Toro to head the franchise and start fresh with it.
Do you feel that Universal is going to take the “Dark Universe” in a different direction here or will they double down on their first attempt? Share your thoughts below!
Source: Bloody-Disgusting