‘Game of Thrones’ managed to ensnare viewers right from the start, as the first episode climaxed with a graphic scene of brother and sister Jaime and Cersei Lannister boning in a seemingly deserted tower. It was later discovered that King Joffrey was the product of the long-running incestuous affair. Largely speaking, the audience reaction was something along the lines of “Ewwwwwwwwww!”
But as ‘GoT’ and other programs continue to push the envelope of what is acceptable, especially on a TV show, viewers tolerance levels have risen. Now the tide has turned. While the Jaime/Cersei pairing freaked people out, the brewing tension between Jon Snow and Daenerys seems to have struck a different chord, with shippers nodding YES to this aunt/nephew pairing.
Their alliance was initially a political move, but as this season has progressed it’s clear there is more to it than that. This simmering chemistry reached a climax this past weekend when the twosome… held hands! I think that counts as First Base in some cultures.
Director Alan Taylor addressed the speculation that the permafrost might thaw further between Aunt Dany (Emilia Clarke) and Nephew Jon (Kit Harington), saying:
“There’s no secret that this is where this is going. Readers of the book have known that things were heading towards this destination for a while. Even the characters in this story know it’s heading in this direction. Tyrion is making fun of Dany about what’s brewing. So we knew it’s got to come at some point, and I was glad that I got to be there for a major step forward for them. The fact that Jon’s willing to now bend the knee to her as the next queen is a huge political step. The fact that they are starting to fall for each other is huge. It comes down to tiny moments and how they interact with each other. They’re holding hands and there’s this great look where she’s swooning and she steps back from it, but it’s clear that that’s our destination at this point.”
So while this subject was once taboo, it appears to now be a desired endgame.
Have you been shipping Daenerys and Jon? Does their union make you happy? Or does the idea creep you out?
Source: The Daily Beast