One piece of news that is not a reason to celebrate from the Star Wars Celebration is that a panel headlining Billy Dee Williams and his work for the franchise had the actor stating that he would not be returning for ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi.’ Many had hoped that this film would mark the triumphant return of the scoundrel but Lando Calrissian will not be back to say goodbye at a funeral for his recently departed friend or any other reason. One can always still hope that this is just a smokescreen so that his return to the movies will be a wonderful surprise for audiences who are now without Harrison Ford’s Han Solo but I’m not sure that I would count on that happening.
Ever since his introduction in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ and his vital part in ‘The Return of the Jedi,’ fans have wanted more of him on the big screen! While we did get a tease of a younger Lando in ‘Star Wars Rebels‘ it is a continuation of his saga to see where Calrissian ended up after the Rebels won which we’ve wanted to see. How has this gambler fared in a world where both the Republic and First Order both share dominance over the galaxy?
Unless this is just a fake-out, that is a question we won’t see answered in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi.’
Here are a couple tweets from those that were in attendance:
Billy Dee Williams says he is not in #StarWarsTheLastJedi #SWCO
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) April 13, 2017
According to Billy Dee Williams, Lando will NOT be in Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi — Luke Davis (@AlphaPlank77) April 13, 2017
I was expecting a cameo at the very least for Han’s funeral and maybe this to be a reason for the actor to come back for one last mission. Hopefully, Williams is just fulfilling his NDA restrictions that states he can’t talk about his role and we all get a surprise when he pops up on the big screen, but I’m not sure if that will be the case.
Did you think that Billy Dee Williams would be back in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi?’ Are you let down that it sounds like he won’t be? Share your thoughts below!
Sources: Slash Film
Stuart Conover is an author, blogger, and all around geek. When not busy being a father and husband he tries to spend as much time as possible immersed in comic books, science fiction, and horror! Would you like to know more? Follow him on Twitter!