
The first season of HBO’s ‘Westworld‘ had a few delays in getting off the ground but had a positive reception from fans and critics. Now showrunners Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy are sharing some details about Season 2 and we have something to be excited about. Theories of what is to come, have spread across the Internet and now we’re finally getting the creators talking about the upcoming season. Being true to form, we aren’t getting a lot of solid details just quite yet.

The two showrunners were at Paley Fest this last weekend with producer Robert Patino and had a few hints of what was to come including a tease of Samurai World! Patino started things off by not being helpful at all and saying “There will be a story, and it will f*ck with the metaphysical at some point.” Nolan helped out by being equally useless with his reply that “We’re writing right now — we’re terribly excited about what we’re writing. Reddit has already figured out the third episode twist, so we’re changing that right now.”

Music was quite important in the first season as we saw covers of quite a few popular songs and Joy made sure to know that would continue as “there may be a strange shout out to a very kind of innocently joyful song, that we’ll take, and co-opt, and make dark.”

Ed Harris was also on hand and gave the biggest details though when talking about if we’d see feudal Japan became a major point going forward. With what we saw of ‘Samurai World’ in the story it seemed as if that might be a direction that we were heading in. It sounds like while we might get a taste of it, Harris reminds fans that he’s the “‘Man in Black,’ not ‘Man in a Samurai suit.’ Samurais don’t wear hats.” So it sounds like we’ll still likely be primarily in the wild wild west for quite some time to come.

It’s hard to say how much we’ll be seeing of these other parks though I doubt it will be entirely left out of the upcoming season.

Are you looking forward to the second season of ‘West World?’ How much of the other parks do you think may end up making an appearance? Share your thoughts below!

Source: Screen Rant

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Stuart Conover is an author, blogger, and all around geek. When not busy being a father and husband he tries to spend as much time as possible immersed in comic books, science fiction, and horror! Would you like to know more? Follow him on Twitter!