Expect a lot of loose ends to be tied up in the upcoming 2017 season of ‘Doctor Who’. After this, showrunner Steven Moffat and star Peter Capaldi will depart the hit series, which unfortunately has seen waning ratings in the past few years. They’ve never come right out and said it, but this is possibly because of the switch-over coming at the end of the new season, but it sounds like the changes will be sweeping!
Insiders are saying that when new showrunner Chris Chibnall takes over for the 2018 season, he will be left with a “clean slate” in order to build his own “brand new show.” Reportedly this “brand new show” won’t be 100% fresh, however. Instead, it is reported that the BBC, which has not only been unhappy with the weaker ratings of the Capaldi era, but the sharp dip in sales of “dolls, books, DVDs and toys” are looking to return to a winning formula.
One insider revealed:
“BBC management wants a return to the format from the David Tennant era, when you had a dashing male lead and young female companion.”
It was indeed the David Tennant era that hooked most modern Whovians. His successor, Matt Smith, himself a handsome, younger actor, even had to struggle to win over fans when he first stepped into the TARDIS. When Capaldi, who is now 58, was announced as the new Doctor, fans were taken aback and clearly some even jumped ship. (In all fairness, the show itself has slumped in quality, so that’s surely part of it.)
The same insider stated:
“Merchandising has dropped off sharply in recent years and there is a strong desire to boost the show’s popularity among kids.”
Reportedly, BBC chiefs are pushing for more accessible storylines than those of the past few years. (More on that in a bit.)
Perhaps the most startling change is that Pearl Mackie, who has yet to even debut as new Companion Bill, is also expected to depart the series along with Moffat and Capaldi. Often, Companions are used to help transition between Doctors and in a sense serve as guides until the new Doctor gains his bearings, as was the case with Clara Oswald, who bridged the gap between Matt Smith’s version and Capaldi’s.
But reportedly Mackie only signed on for a one-year contract. She, Capaldi and Moffat are expected to make the 2017 Christmas Special their swan song.
Meanwhile, Chibnall is wrapping up his current series ‘Broadchurch’ and is expected to assemble a brand new team of writers and producers in the next few months and will be crafting their vision for ‘Doctor Who’ at the same time that Moffat and his crew are working on their final season, which will premiere in the spring instead of autumn as usual. The BBC is also adamant that there be a new season of ‘Who’ EVERY year, so don’t expect another one year break like in 2016.
Do you want to know what to expect from Moffat’s final season?
An insider says:
“Episode three of the new series features the snake monster that lives under the Thames.
“Then in episode four, we find out why our floorboards squeak – there are giant woodlice in there. Another episode features killer robots that have emoji faces. They like to give hugs, then reduce their victims to skeletons.”
So, as you can see, the quirkiness that we’ve come to expect appears to be intact.
Well, what do you think? Are you excited to see Moffat and Capaldi’s last hurrah with ‘Who’? Or are you more excited to see the fresh start that will begin in 2018, with Chibnall’s takeover? Also, how do you feel like Mackie’s Bill being a one-and-done Companion?
Source: Mirror